
The Sealed Pages

Closed pages of my book,
Rattle tales laced with hurts to cook,
My heart dangling on a hook,

The life and love shared,
All brought down by your shears,
Draining out from me bullets of tears,

Moments pushed by memory to the rear,
A deep sigh, a different zone to bear,
The twists of horrors, and moans that cheer

This unexpectedly had to come,
A renewed person I had to become,
Therein tuning my fate to my own hum.


(NB: This post is similar yet different to the previous post, Distancing Points)


Distancing Points

I am but a faded memory,
A withering flower,
On a wuthering height,
Time, blowing away our moments,
That were shared & flourished,

Maybe, it was for the hour’s good
Or for the minute’s bad,
But probably for the best,
Or the unorthodox worst,
Of what has been,
That isn’t no more

It’s been a pleasure,
With you on this journey,
You will always be a treasure,
And my solo defending army,

Time unraveling our fates,
A move must be taken forward,
Into the future toward,

I feel what I don’t know,
At a very mindless pace,
And in a careless space,
Like a feather floating in the air.


(NB: This post is similar yet different to the next post, “The Sealed Pages”)